14 galleries
Water covers the vas majority of our planet and oceans support many diverse groups of animals adapted to living beanth the sea
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19 imagesEels belong to the Order Anguilliformes, which consists of four suborders, 19 families, 110 genera and approximately 800 species. Eels are very diverse and have been observed inhabiting many of the ocean's environments. Most eels are carnivorous predators which feed upon other animals such as: cephalopods, crustaceans, and fish . They are also opportunistic feeders and often feed upon carrion
37 imagesNudibranchs and flatworms are one of the most diverse invertebrates in the marine environment. Color and morphology are usually their distinguishing traits. Nudibranchs live in all oceans and in most environments, however, regions in the South pacific such as Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Indonesia are havens for these underwater jewels
47 imagesWare some of the most identifiable animals to us; indeed, some people believe they have "life changing experiences" when swimming with whales for the first time.
30 imagesGobies and Blennies are bottom dwelling fish inhabiting all seas and environments. Often ornately colored and living in symbiotic arrangements with blind shrimps they are favored photographs for underwater photographers
19 imagesThis group consist of fishes with long tubular snouts and elongate bodies encased in bony ring-like body segments. Many of the pipefishes rank among the most exotic creatures inhabiting earth's shallow seas.
49 imagesScorpionfish are lie and wait predators and highly camouflaged to their surroundings. many scorpionfish are venomous
51 imagesFrogfish and leaf fish are cryptic and therefore very difficult to find underwater. They often mimic the color of a sponge. Frogfish and leaf fish are carnivores and voracious marine predators
3 imagesSea snakes are air breathing reptiles that have evolved to live in the sea. They have a paddle-like tail and although spending most of their time in the oceans, many migrate to land on occasion. They are highly venomous, however, are rear fanged
27 imagesCephapods are some of the most amazing underwater animals. Highly intelligent and masters at camouflage, all squids and octopus have the ability to alter the pigment in their skin changing colors to suit their moods
6 imagesAn exceptionally diverse group of animals belonging to the Phylum Cnidaria. Corals typically living in compact colonies of many identical individual "polyps". The group includes the important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans, which secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton
37 imagesFish is a very generic term meaning here to be any marine animal belonging to the class Osteichthyes (skeleton mostly composed of bone). Some galleries in the photograph collections belong to this gallery, however, for interest reasons have been segregated. If searching for a specific fish species, please use the search function or the keywords